Deca Foll Electrical diagnostic device


The device is designed to diagnose and evaluate the patient’s condition, the selection of medical preparations and their dosages based on the electropuncture diagnostics according to the Dr. R. Fall method. The method combines the foundations of Chinese teachings on acupuncture and the possibility of modern electronics. Compactness, low cost compared to counterparts, allow you to equip such devices a significant number of doctors of various specialities. The advantage of the method is the ability to test allopathic and homeopathic preparations with a dose, cosmetics, decorations of any metals, medical grasses, metals for dentheneresting and sealing material, etc. without disrupting the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, predict the degree of efficiency of this individual for a particular patient.

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Of particular interest is currently caused by the method of electropuncture diagnostics, introduced into medicine in 1953 by the German doctor of medicine Reynchold Foll. Electropuncture by R. Fall (EAF) is a diagnostic method connecting the basics of Chinese teaching about the acupuncture and the possibility of modern electronics. Dr. R. Foll connected the doctrine of acupuncture with knowledge of the size of the skin resistance, measured using an electronic device. The EAF acupuncture has to-armed with energy lines, called meridians, as well as points located on these lines. R. Fall managed not only to significantly expand the idea of ​​the system of acupuncture meridians, but also to systematize the points of acupuncture according to their anatomical and informational relations with internal organs and systems, i.e. "Translate" their symbolic Chinese name into the terminology of the clinical language and thinking, understandable to modern doctors.

The unique advantage of the method is the possibility of testing allopathic and homeopathic preparations with a selection of a dose of cosmetics, decorations from any metals, medical grasses, metals for dentheneresting and sealing material, etc. without disrupting the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, predict the degree of efficiency of this individual for a particular patient.

Medical testing according to the R. Fall method allows you to:

Significantly reduce the time of the patient's survey;

Increase the accuracy of diagnosis with a sharp decrease in its capacity;

Produce early diagnosis at the stage of preclinical manifestations;

Identify the degree of existing disorders in various organs and systems of a particular patient (sharp, subacute, chronic, dystrophic, neoplastic processes);

Carry out the identification of pathogens and their toxins;

Determine the sensitivity of microflora to medicines;

Carry out a purposeful selection of physiologically adequate to the treatment of patient medicines, taking into account their individual tolerance;

Identify the mechanisms of the pathogenetic chain of diseases to purposefully affect them in the treatment of the patient;

Testing various compatibility medicines individually for each patient;

Identify the presence or absence of radionuclides in the body;

Select the optimal diet for the patient;

Determine the presence or absence of harmful effects on the human body of various parts of everybody: jewelry, cosmetics, clothes;

Optimize the course of treatment in outpatient, stationary, sanatorium-resort conditions.


Compactness, low cost compared to counterparts, allow you to equip such devices a significant number of doctors of various specialties. A folist physician using this device can reliably determine the diagnosis, up to the localization of the affected area for 40-60 minutes. Small dimensions of the device, low power consumption and autonomous power supplies make it possible to successfully apply it not only in stationary conditions - in clinics, but also when departures to patients at home, in expeditions, etc.

Highly efficient Deca-Fall Device can be used to accurate decision to admit personnel to the management of complex technological processes and vehicles (for example, in the nuclear industry, in aviation, etc.). Thus, limit the factor of human impact on the possibility of man-made disasters.

Additional information

Weight 600 g
Dimensions 210 × 75 × 22 mm


El: Plug, Voltage & Freqency

4.5 V, AA Batteries (qty 3, not included)

Made in
