Phototherapy Device Dune


This device is intended for non-invasive treatment of various human and animal diseases. The device provides simultaneous penetrating effect on the patient’s body with a light flux of red and infrared bands.

The device is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, injuries, burns. Removes swelling, improves blood and lymph formation, accelerates recovery with flu and colds, increases immunity.

The device can be used simultaneously with other methods of treatment (medication, manual therapy, etc.).

The manufacturer is recommending usage at any age, as well as babies, pregnant and nursing mothers.

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SKU: MT-DUNY-10000-001 Category:


The device is designed for use in polyclinics, clinics, hospitals, physiotherapy offices, as well as at home.

There is no age restrictions on using it. The treatment is carried out by courses duration from 2 days to 6 weeks, depending on the nature of the disease. Then a break between the courses varies between 1-1.5 months.

The impact in the treatment of the device can be contact or distant (non-contact). With contact exposure, the luminous surface of the device touches the skin. Distant effects - the effects at a distance of up to 2 cm from the skin - used in disruption of the integrity of the skin (trophic ulcers, mocking eczema, herpetic infection, wounds, burns, etc.) or with a combination of treatment with ointments, creams. In other cases, preferably contact impact.

Contact impact provides two options techniques:

When the area of ​​the working surface of the device overlaps the area of ​​the exposure area (biologically active points, surface pathological processes of small sizes, etc.), the emitter of the device is applied directly to the field specified in the technique and slightly pressed to the skin cover for a larger therapeutic effect;

When the irradiated surface or pathology significantly exceeds the area of ​​the working surface of the emitter (extensive reflexogenic zones, projections of large vessels, intercostal neuralgia, the projections of the internal organs, etc.), the device is moved, smoothly moving along the surface of the skin by rotational movements.

Begin treatment follows when the first signs of the disease are manifested.

It is usually recommended to carry out 2 sessions per day with an interval of at least 2 hours. The session time specified in the methods provides the optimal therapeutic effect and, depending on the disease, can be from 40 to 60 minutes. At the same time, an increase in the duration of exposure is safe. It is not recommended to influence one reflector point for more than 30 minutes. For a session.

The standard course of treatment is 10 days. Up to 15 days is recommended for treatment outside exacerbation. You can correct the duration of the course in accordance with your own well-being. In the event of a complete recovery until the end of the course is treated, the sessions are recommended to complete. If at the end of treatment for 10-15 days, the recovery has not come, the course must be repeated after 7-10 days. In chronic diseases, treatment courses repeat at least 1.5 - 2 months.

During treatment, the disease may be aggravated, accompanied by increasing pain. Most often this happens after the second or third session. In this case, it is necessary to take a break for 1 day, and then continue treatment and reduce the session time half, and over the next three days it increases it to the recommended one.

Since the decline in the body's protective forces accompanies almost any disease, the method of "immunity violations" (field No. 1, Fig. 1, p.14) must be included in the method of treating other diseases.

The red glass of the device plays a decorative role. And when it is clouded (due to contact with some ointments, creams), the therapeutic properties of the device are not changed, and in this case the warranty is voided.

Additional information

Wave Length (Red Range)

632.7 nm

Wave Length (IR Range)

840 nm

Power Consumption

6 W

El: Plug, Voltage & Freqency

220 V ± 10% Frequency 50 – 60 Hz

Total RadiationPowerDensity

Not more than 2.0 MW / cm2

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